
This page describes supported renderers for the bdtsim render command. bdtsim render takes an existing simulation result file and converts it to an interpretable format, such as readable CLI output or graphs.

The following renderers are currently available:

General Renderer Parameters

The following parameters are available for all renderers:

  • wei-scaling (Union[int, float, str]): If int/float provided, it will be multiplied with the value to be scaled. For str, common unit prefixes ( are allowed as well as Ethereum unit prefixes (Wei, GWei, Eth).
  • gas-scaling (Union[int, float, str]): If int/float provided, it will be multiplied with the value to be scaled. For str, common unit prefixes ( are allowed.



Create a dot graph for simulation result presentation. Please note: the dot binary (graphviz package) needs to be available on your system.

# Print dot sources
bdtsim render dot -i simulation.result

# Write to file and convert to PNG
bdtsim render dot -o simulation.png -p output-format png -i simulation.result


  • output-format (Optional[str]): The output format used for rendering. Supports any output format which is supported by graphviz (see for a list of supported formats). With None, the dot source code will be returned. Defaults to None
  • graphviz-renderer (Optional[str]): The graphviz renderer used for rendering (see graphviz docs)
  • graphviz-formatter (Optional[str]): The graphviz formatter used for rendering (see graphviz docs)
  • show_transactions (bool): Add transactions edges to graph. Defaults to True
  • show_transaction_duplicates (bool): Add multiple edges for identical transaction. Defaults to False


Create a human-readable ASCII art table which contains the relevant output parameters in a comparable way.

bdtsim game-matrix dot -i simulation.result


No additional parameters supported


Create a game tree (using graphviz dot Please note: the dot binary (graphviz package) needs to be available on your system.

# print dot source to stdout
bdtsim game-tree dot -i simulation.result

# generate PDF file containing game tree graph
bdtsim render game-tree -i simulation.result | dot -Tpdf -o game-tree.pdf


  • output-format (Optional[str]): The output format used for rendering. Supports any output format which is supported by graphviz (see for a list of supported formats). With None, the dot source code will be returned. Defaults to None
  • graphviz-renderer (Optional[str]): The graphviz renderer used for rendering (see graphviz docs)
  • graphviz-formatter (Optional[str]): The graphviz formatter used for rendering (see graphviz docs)